Optimizing Your Creative Process

Sharing video content is one of the most popular and efficient ways to spread a message. But before you can upload a video to the internet, it’s essential to consider your intent. Not only that, but you also have to ask yourself, is a video the right way to convey the message you’re trying to deliver?

There are many ways to make video content for the internet, and getting lost in all the options is easy. To help the creative process of producing video content be less overwhelming, I’ve compiled a list of steps one can follow to get the most out of your video-making efforts.

Planning Ahead

One of the most important things to have a clear vision of early in your process is the goals you hope to achieve by making your video. There has to be a reason behind why you think your message is important and why a video is the best way to convey it.

Are you making a video to inform? Persuade? Or entertain? And what steps are you going to take to achieve this goal?

Once you know the purpose of making this video, you must identify your target audience. Think about the ideal person who will be consuming your content. Who are you trying to reach? Who will the information on your video benefit?

Subject Matter Expertise

Knowing the topic you're speaking about is crucial to the success of your video. Audiences want to be sure they can trust you to be truthful with the information you’re giving them. A false expert approach to your communication piece can damage your brand image and reputation. Once the trust audiences have in you is lost, it’s challenging to get it back.

You want to research your topic and find reputable sources and materials to support your claims. It doesn’t have to be extensive, but even mentioning a subject matter expert in your video can help your image as a reliable source of information.

The research you put into your topic leads to the next part of the video-making process: finding the proper type of video for your information.

Think about whether or not being in front of the camera would help deliver your message more effectively. Should your video be live-action or animated? It may only need to be kinetic typography or a combination of all of the above

Putting Words On Paper

Once you know who you’re talking to, what you’re talking about, and how you’ll convey this information, you should write out what you will say.

You can write a word-for-word script and memorize it or put it on a teleprompter. Your information could also be conveyed as a list of general talking points that will guide you through your dialogue.

Regardless of how you choose to do it, having an outline of the exact words you plan on saying can be highly beneficial to stay on topic in your video.

You’re Now Ready to Film

If you’re filming a live-action video, here are some tips to make sure your video’s quality is the best it could be:

  • Location is important. The right background can give context to the content you will discuss. The wrong one can detract from the professionalism you’re trying to portray.

  • Make sure you have good lighting. Whether inside or outside, your viewers need to be able to see the visuals.

  1. Position your camera to optimize the use of the screen space for the platform on which you will be uploading. Vertical or horizontal screen orientation is vital for your viewer’s experience.

  2. Audio is key. Perhaps your lighting or visuals aren’t the best, but that’s okay. But good audio is a must. If your audience can’t hear what you’re saying, then the point of making your video becomes moot.

Stitching It Together

Editing is a powerful tool that can help take your content to the next level. This stage includes adding music, dynamic text, or images to your video.

There is a myriad of paid editing software, including Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. But there are also a lot of free resources you can use to edit videos, like iMovie and PowerDirector Essential. Editing your video will help the storytelling aspect of your video flow better.

And Viola!

You’re finally ready to upload your video on your desired platform after uploading. Whether it’s on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, you must promote your videos. 

You can share your video on online groups and forums relevant to the topic you’re discussing. You can promote them across your social media channels. You can even use your videos to run ads for your website, social platform, or even your other videos.

But above everything else, remember that content creation should be an enjoyable experience. Not everything you make has to be perfect. With time you will learn what works best for you. At the end of the day, if your audience receives the message you’re trying to communicate well, everything else will fall into place.


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